Clayton Stent Taupo
Clayton has lived in Taupo with his wife and their two sons since 1985. Prior to this he and his family had been regular visitors to the Taupo area. He has always held a passion for the area, particularly all the outdoor opportunities on offer.
Clayton has 27-years legal experience, principally in trust, commercial, and property law. He was a partner in a legal firm for 10-years before being elected to Mayoralty of the Taupo District Council from 2001 to 2007. He now practises on his own account.
He has an in-depth understanding of local Iwi and farming issues, both practical and economic and as such, is very aware of the nitrogen project impacts on these groups and the community. His legal, local government and practical experiences in these areas provide a range of skills to assist in the practical solutions required for the issues at hand.
Having experience in local government and corporate roles, he understands the roles of governance and stakeholder responsibilities and most importantly the significance of a healthy Lake Taupo for the local economy and future generations.